O país em que vivemos

Tudo o que leu (...) foi feito por empresas fundadas por portugueses, desenvolvidas por portugueses, dirigidas por portugueses, com sede em Portugal, que funcionam com técnicos e trabalhadores portugueses.

Este foi o remate de um texto escrito por Nicolau Santos (Director-adjunto do jornal Expresso), na revista Exportar, e transcrito no blog LusoFin.

Um texto que mostra uma realidade sobre Portugal que não se revela no dia-a-dia dos portugueses.

Logo à partida, temos empresas nacionais no topo mundial mas a pagar salários díspares do resto das empresas de topo mundial, mas primeiro há que resolver a situação das diferenças salariais (para um mesmo emprego) entre as várias regiões do país (ex.: um contabilista na zona de Lisboa tem como ordenado base entre 800€ e 1200€ enquanto que na zona de Leiria o ordenado base econtra-se entre os 380€ e os 500€!).

Um país pouco conhecido @ LusoFin
Revista Exportar, por ICEP
Jornal Expresso

1 comentário:

  1. I think the problem of regional wage differences is not just a problem of Portugal, I bet that you can find it too in the USA, Canada, France, Japan, and any other developed country. Now, the problem with Portugal is that there is still a fairly big amount of pre-revolution uneducated population which in part is an obstacle to development because there is the political side that has to apease them for the moment until that generation dies out. Also, within that political side are people that are just plain ignorant and are of no help to the nation whatsoever and are only there for personal gain or blatant political choice. Also, why isn't the Nation exploring their mineral resources like they used to, every penny counts. It would help if they subsidize companies to open up in regions of scarce or low educated populations, and also subsidize people to choose these "deserted" regions, not only will it balance the overall development in the small nation that is Portugal but it will also raise the educational standards in these regions and so there will be incentives for local young populations to actually learn and have a better life. It would help if the government helped these adventurous companies in being publicized internationally, for example by giving them official seals of approval of some kind directly from either another big company, important organizations, or the government itself.
